Thursday, January 23, 2025

Suggestion for DC

Please ask your representatives to begin the impeachment process against Trump / Vance / Musk. 

Since Day One, it has never been clearer that we are poised to become a much crueler US version of Hitler's regime. This time, there are so many "others" who will be targeted for extermination. The "enemies list," Jews, Muslims, atheists, Democrats, judges, Independents, non-whites, the handicapped, the homeless, the poor, and any persons who are Anti-Trump. 90% of the country might qualify to be the next list to "disappear."

Decent Americans of every race, religion, sexual orientation will become victims of the new police state run by the January 6th vigilantes just freed from their well-deserved jail time. 

Trumpers want the USA to be white again. Does that mean a return to slavery? Are all poor and middle class citizens going to be rounded up, along with refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants?

Will our new country's motto become The Rich Rule; The Poor Drool?

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