Tuesday, January 14, 2025

More Tulip Tales of Destruction

Seems that I should be mindful about things around the house when I'm talking on the phone. 

Last night I took a call; usually when Tulip's at her worst "feed me" obnoxiousness. This time, all was quiet. Granted, I did feed her. When I hung up and turned around, I didn't realize that I left her (covered) food container on the kitchen counter. She was chowing down to her heart's content.

I do more floor inspections after I hear something land on the floor. In less than two minutes, she knocked over a tape measure, then a screwdriver I had put on the kitchen peninsula. Don't know where the tape measure landed; it may have ended up under my recliner.

Tulip knocked off a mini basket of four spice bottles from its perch on top of the stove. Luckily, nothing fell behind the stove.

My cat loves to mess with the living room venetian blinds. Once the sun goes down, I wrap a  blanket over the lower part of the window. That way, she can't paw her way through the slats.

Tulip has taken to clearing my fridge of all papers and magnets. First, I emptied the left side of everything she liked to play with (or should I say, EVERYTHING). I tried moving the magnets a bit lower, but man, my kitten can s-t-r-e-t-c-h her body to reach farther down than I'd thought possible.

I'm using an old cookie tin to make "art" out of the relocated magnets. Right now, a pillow sham covers them. I need to pierce holes in the top to affix a string to hang it. Wherever the finished product goes, it'll need to be placed really high up or in a closed off room for safekeeping.

Dang! What won't I do to appease this cat?

While attempting to complete this blog, I'm hearing a succession of objects drop, meeting the floor behind me. A couple of containers "fell down." A tube of incense sticks and a spray bottle of STEM ant killer. Should I become incensed by this? Tulip keeps knocking over my canned citronella candle that's kept near the stove (unlit, naturally).

See the tall blue cabinet to the right? Tulip likes to jump on the top to rub against the three glass vases stored there, which concerns me. This mantra repeats; "That's why we can't have nice things." I am already thinking about alternate storage places for them.

If nothing else, this cat is keeping my mind sharp. It's a battle of wits that, for now, she is winning.

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