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Author Barbara Crowley (Mom) with 2023 Governor's Award

Barbara Crowley has spent a lifetime of creative writing for pleasure. She has written humorous poems for fun and profit. Liberty's Scrapbook, her debut novel, was published in 2022. Much of her available time is spent gardening, reading, playing Scrabble, or attending Neuse River Writers events. Ms. Crowley lives in North Carolina with her notoriously troublesome kitten.

Why do I write?

It’s not for fame or fortune, that’s for sure.

Sometimes, life events compel me to write; I just have to do it. So far, I’ve written an autobiographical play, some serious prose, humorous essays and assorted poems. The creative outlet that writing provides me is comparable to the joy I experience when singing. Some of my writing will be published later this year in a North Carolina anthology.

Who benefits from my writing?

Well, it’s cheaper than therapy, so my pocketbook benefits. If I can make a reader laugh, or commiserate with a character’s troubles, I have done my job. Since I’m not raking in the dough hand over fist, I look forward to seeing new reviews on Amazon.com.

What am I working on now?

Although I started working on a few projects, none of them worked out. What seemed like good ideas at the time were met with horror by friends and family. I deferred to my audience and scrapped the manuscripts.

There are always writing contests to enter, social media and blog posts to write, Open Mics to perform in (writing or singing), and attending writers’ workshops."

My next book is a sci-fi novel that mixes a UFO abduction, aliens and a human ghost hunter.