Although I haven't written about certain events as they happened, it should surprise no one that my sweet Tulip has gotten into more trouble.
- While in my bedroom for a few minutes, she played with my styrofoam wig stand. Bits and pieces were taken out by the chunk.
- I don't think she was into the hairpiece itself.
- In the office, Tulip started to chew on the cloth-covered boxes that hold my books. Also loose papers, blank envelope boxes, et cetera.
- If doing this doesn't get my attention, suspicious noises often start emanating from the other end of the house.
- In other words, FEED ME NOW!
- Regarding the cloth bins in the living room, I'm pretty sure Tulip will conquer them all someday.
- Therefore, I placed an order with Temu for six lidded plastic boxes.
- Also ordered a collapsible hand truck which I'll use to cart materials back and forth to the Benson Center for Active Aging beginning in February.
- All items are slated to arrive in the next week or so.
- Lest I forget, Tulip is fascinated by the venetian blinds in the living room. I try to close them once it gets dark outside, but nothing can keep her away.
- I've tried yelling, but that doesn't faze her.
- Shooting streams of water her way is an iffy proposition (have to watch out for electrical outlets.
- While I could do without the blinds, I don't want to be on display.
- If you want to offer your suggestions, please do (so long as you don't recommend re-homing her).
Oh - the picture below shows where the home phone is located now. Up a wall (which is where my cat drives me). This messes up the symmetrical placement of two sconces. Don't know if I should move them to another room or donate them to a thrift store.
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