8/1/24 10:37pm
This has been a wasted day. I never got out of my jammies. Didn't go outside to collect my mail.
It would have been helpful if I went to "Telling Our Stories," but I went back to bed almost as soon as I woke up.
All I did was watch Netflix and play games on my phone.
8/9/24 3:52pm
Although Hurricane Debby was downgraded to a tropical storm, I've been hunkered down since Wednesday. It's sunny now, but the grass is too wet to mow.
The busiest part of any day is keeping Tulip from doing damage. Loose papers, electric cords really get her attention. Ah! Now she is resting in a sun spot, so I can relax too.
Haven't really been writing steadily. I'm trying to write an alien Ghost story. In my new book, I may have invented too many words and symbols. And I haven't added a good amount of clicks. I'm working on the end of the story.
The main character confesses, "I might have been famous on Earth for having been kidnapped by aliens. With the Earth-lift, nobody from Earth is around who won't think alien space abduction is weird."
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