Since yesterday, I have looked high and low for my prescription glasses. Maybe the recliner ate them - it wouldn't be the first pair my furniture ate.
Imagine if you will, an old overweight white lady crouching below the elevated foot rests, trying to see whatever (besides dust bunnies) lays in the dark chasm beneath my seats. As long as you're imaging that, I will add that I protected my bony kneecaps by kneeling on a cushy cat bed.
I wasn't sure if there was nothing, or my neck's limited mobility kept me from seeing the glasses (the first pair I lost in November, or this pair in particular). I asked Tulip for just a hint as to where my glasses might be. She did not answer me. 🐈
Then I checked my bedroom for the third time; I even turned a light on! Well, hush my mouth! The glasses had fallen upside-down on the floor. Since the wire frames are colored blue-green, they blended in perfectly with the carpet.
Therefore, I take back all my suspicions that "my cat did it."
Sorry, Tulip.
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