Roughly three weeks ago, I noticed the padlock to my outdoor shed was removed. I was perturbed that one of my neighbors didn't replace it. It's never locked - it just keeps the barn doors closed.
My weed whacker had recently been restrung. When I was about to trim my yard yesterday, it was nowhere to be found. This is a Kobalt battery-operated string trimmer. I keep the batteries for my lawn tools (blower, mower and the missing weed whacker) inside, so I wondered aloud what good it would do the thief, unless they had a Kobalt battery already.
Not that they could do much about it, I filed a police report. They're going to review other thefts in the area, see if there's a pattern. Naturally, they'll contact local pawn shops. That's likely where the trimmer will have ended up.
So I suppose I need to go to Lowe's for a replacement. Bummer.
As to my Sour Grapes was Tulip's fault. She keeps walking behind the TV, disconnecting the wires. That's why my phone could get WiFi, but the TV couldn't connect.
I thought I had finally stopped Tulip's forays up to the kitchen counter. Silly me.
Tonight I heard a weird soft tapping. Could't find my cat at first. All my "fencing" seemed to be in place.
I couldn't see Tulip at first. Yet, there she was, tasting the remnants of my tin take-out pan. She was happy as a pig in...
Once I removed her from the counter, she immediately jumped up to the counter again. CRASH! Everything tumbled down at once.
So, once again, I fortified my barrier by adding vertical plastic spikes to prevent Tulip from jumping over the microwave.
This whole rigamarole has me rethinking WHY I am fighting the inevitable. Tulip always wins.
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