... of volunteering to be a poll observer. This would be the first election I'd be involved with.
Then I went to my dentist for a routine check-up. Everything changed.
During my very painful visit for a routine dental exam, Dr. C invited a gum specialist to view my gums. What I'd let bother me was continuing to use a different brand of toothpaste when it hurt. The entire left side of my mouth and my tongue were ulcerated.
I was prescribed "Magic Mouthwash," which I figured was some funny miraculous rinse. The compound prescription was pricey, too. $44 for my local pharmacist to mix five specific ingredients to measure out precisely. I shake the bottle and swish and spit three times a day. It's gone a long way to comfort the angry tissues in my mouth. The same dentist (#1) recommended a biopsy. He is ordering another night guard (retainer) for me because I've nearly broken through the plastic with my teeth grinding.
By the end of the day, my cheek had ballooned into a distressing bulge, hard as a rock to the touch. It also hurts when it is touched.
Finally met with a dental surgeon (#2) who did not perform a biopsy. I was diagnosed as having a blocked salivary gland. That explains why I'm so puffy from my left cheek to my ear. That referral recommended an even more specialized specialist in Raleigh (an oral and maxillofacial surgeon).
l now have an appointment to see Dentist #3 on December 30th. Although I hope the issue will be long gone by then. This whole thing stems from my not drinking enough water. It also may be the cause of my acid reflux and digestive issues. That's another story to be resolved, one way or another, in February 2025. Something to look forward to
Now you know as much as I...and why I had to beg off from fulfilling my plans to be an indoor poll observer.
The best laid plans... of mice 🐭 🐭 and 👨🤵 men ...
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