It's now been two months since my car accident. Y'know, the one where I broke my neck and had a hairline fracture of my left ankle. Also had a fractured rib.
Patient Progress: I'm now walking with a cane. Graduated from wearing an Ace bandage over my ankle and a too-large boot. Different modes of mobility had been a wheelchair, and a rollator*, to a cane. I think I'll be able to walk unassisted within a week or two.
Went from therapy in a rehab center, to home-based. I'm waiting for an appointment to start therapy at an outpatient facility.
There's still a bump at the back of my neck, but it's healing nicely. Used to be a freakish sight.
Other Progress: I bought a new car and I'm reacquainting myself with all the outings I once enjoyed.
*A rollator is like a wheeled walker with a storage seat and a set of brakes
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