Friday, August 18, 2023

Saving up

This month is going to be expensive. Luckily, I saved up money so I hope my bank account won't fall in the red.

👍 My landlord is changing management companies; hopefully, a good thing.
👎I get the dubious pleasure of paying rent for Sept. and Oct. at once.  (Damn!)

👎 Had to have a bug guy treat my house for roaches, and eliminate the yellow jackets from their underground nest.
👍 It was worth it to pay Hall Exterminating to come out.
👍Yippee! I am a contributor to a coffee table book, Johnston County Creates 2023. My story, Nana's Porches, was chosen.
👎Paid $130 for two books. That's the discounted rate.

👍 Finally ordered a medical alert in case I fall. If I'm lucky, I won't fall again before it arrives next week.
👎 Had to pay an annual fee of $436.45. 👎

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