Sunday, August 20, 2023

Bad Day at Black Rock

A tale of three HPs - a brand I've trusted for years.

  • Old HP laptop runs Windows 365.
  • Newer HP laptop is a Chromebook.
  • An HP Envy Photo 7858 is (or used to be) connected to both.

Today my printer experienced numerous issues. It printed 12 of 14 short stories in Chromebook; nothing I clicked on would print the last two stories within the Google docs folder in my HP Chromebook.

Spent hours researching HP's unhelpful suggestions; turning off and re-starting the printer; unplugging it, and running various diagnoses. Finally I spoke briefly with Kevin, an HP rep. 

Kevin said he'd reinstall the printer for Windows for free, but said it's not compatible with Google, which I use 99.44% of the time. The cost for him to upload that fix would cost me $99. I hung up immediately.

There's got to be a better way!

As you might know, I have a hate-Hate-HATE relationship with Windows; my older laptop runs Windows 365. I second-guess myself for automatically renewing my subscription. 

A few weeks ago, the old laptop flat-out refused to open any Microsoft files. Rather than fight to straighten THAT issue out, viewing even more unhelpful suggestions on their website, I raised my hands in defeat. Perhaps someday I'll be in the mood to waste countless hours.

But not today.

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