Thursday, August 31, 2023
Writers' Meeting
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Publishing Announcement
Today I was notified that my poem, The Estate Sale, will be published in the 2024 edition of Franklin County Art Council's anthology, County Lines.
It's exciting proof that I CAN write.
Thanks to my friends at Triangle East Writers for their continued support.
Monday, August 21, 2023
When I think of the word “release, the first thing that comes to mind are old familiar lyrics like “Please release me, let me go.” Or Linda Ronstadt’s “Release Me.”
Most people who are hospitalized look forward to being released.
Not having a care in the world is akin to being released from agitation or worry.
Nowadays new songs, books and films are “dropped”, but pre-Internet, they used to get released.
In exercise parlance, you can tighten your muscles before you release them.
“Release your inhibitions” means to let go of typical mores, meant to give one a feeling of freedom.
Certain employers rely on euphemisms for layoffs, Reductions in Force (RIFs) or just getting canned. “Employee X was released from his contract on this date.
As a Scrabble afficienado, I look forward to the latest Scrabble dictionary release. Numerous words are added each year, which gives me an edge over my fellow players.
The end of summer means releasing oneself from crash diets due to bikini-fitting worries. That doesn’t apply to me. I can’t wait for this summer to end.
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Bad Day at Black Rock
A tale of three HPs - a brand I've trusted for years.
- Old HP laptop runs Windows 365.
- Newer HP laptop is a Chromebook.
- An HP Envy Photo 7858 is (or used to be) connected to both.
Today my printer experienced numerous issues. It printed 12 of 14 short stories in Chromebook; nothing I clicked on would print the last two stories within the Google docs folder in my HP Chromebook.
Spent hours researching HP's unhelpful suggestions; turning off and re-starting the printer; unplugging it, and running various diagnoses. Finally I spoke briefly with Kevin, an HP rep.
Kevin said he'd reinstall the printer for Windows for free, but said it's not compatible with Google, which I use 99.44% of the time. The cost for him to upload that fix would cost me $99. I hung up immediately.
There's got to be a better way!
As you might know, I have a hate-Hate-HATE relationship with Windows; my older laptop runs Windows 365. I second-guess myself for automatically renewing my subscription.
A few weeks ago, the old laptop flat-out refused to open any Microsoft files. Rather than fight to straighten THAT issue out, viewing even more unhelpful suggestions on their website, I raised my hands in defeat. Perhaps someday I'll be in the mood to waste countless hours.
But not today.
Besides the meaning “to float”, the term can also mean “to suggest”.
Float around = location, situation
Float a martini = libation, potation
Float a wild guess = estimation. guestimation
Float like a butterfly = oscillation, fluctuation
Float on air or a cloud = elation, jubilation
Float an idea = presentation, speculation
Float a date = invitation
Float in water = relaxation
Float a kid’s toy = exploration
Float a lie = equivocation
Float your boat = inclination
Float a currency = currency manipulation
Float made with root beer = summertime celebration
Friday, August 18, 2023
Saving up
👎I get the dubious pleasure of paying rent for Sept. and Oct. at once. (Damn!)
👍 It was worth it to pay Hall Exterminating to come out.
👎Paid $130 for two books. That's the discounted rate.
👍 Finally ordered a medical alert in case I fall. If I'm lucky, I won't fall again before it arrives next week.
👎 Had to pay an annual fee of $436.45. 👎
Saturday, August 12, 2023
What to Do?
I have been honest with you regarding my latest misfortunes:
a) Burning my flab with a boiling cup of coffee. Dang - can't sue myself
b) Falling hard on my keister in the dark
c) Walking on an unseen yellow jacket nest
Just the TO DO List:
- Write a story each day through Aug. 20 for author Leslie Waugh's workshop. I couldn't figure out how to share it on her Facebook page.
- Continue on my novel; it now has a name, Merilee's Journey
- Catch up with my Membership duties for Triangle East Writers.