Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Mini Writers' Event

How could I have forgotten to write about last Saturday's event at the Mary Duncan Public Library?

Shame on me!

Well, on Saturday, October 8th at 11:00 AM, Derrick Barefoot hosted a group of writers from Triangle East Writers

Acting as an emcee, I introduced each speaker to the audience. First up was C. Anne, author of A Home Called Haven, soon to be released. Then, Christy Anne's talented illlustrator, Alessandra Liane, discussed how she collaborates with authors to bring book ideas to life. Alessandra brought examples of her pencil drawings. A color mock-up was displayed in front of the authors' table. After A Home Called Haven is released, Christy's next book, Give You The World, will be released.

A Benson native, Teresa McLamb Blackmon, is the author of Daddy Said. The author read a few poems for the audience. Her poems reminded me of how farm life must have been like for my mother, who grew up in Newton Grove.

Last but not least, G. Don Craig, discussed his multiple books and the reason for the order of what has become a trilogy.

The photos below were shared by Benson Library. Please click each link. Sorry I'm making you work for it.


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