Lapses, or are they brain synapses? I never made the connection before. Either something ‘clicks’, or it doesn’t. Here’s a rhyme for my age group - holy crapsis! 💩 |
I’d hoped my sick mind would be better this weekend. The library loaned me a Stephen King novel. It vanished, just as a horror story would. Retracing my steps has not met a good end. 📚 |
Had I neglected to lock up my car - making the Master writer’s work more appealing? Some fans of dark fiction collect nefarious tales but this was the worst way to do it, by far. -🚙 |
Might I, some days from now, recover my brain or the book? Do these forgetful spells predict Alzheimer’s? A lesser (but still scary) thought just came to mind. Did my thrift store donations include this ‘find’ for a crook? 👿 |
That leaves me to wonder about my mind’s fate? Come Friday, when the thrift store reopens, Will I retrieve - or repay - for the lost novel? Or blame early dementia - a family trait. 😥 |
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