Saturday, July 9, 2022

Spooky's Suspicous

For the last two days, I've been preparing for a brief vacation. Spooky has taken to waiting for me on my bed to watch the goings-on. 

First, she helped me judge my underwear choices: which panties were OK versus those that were stretched beyond belief. I compared various shorts and t-shirt combinations (she did not offer an opinion).  I considered bringing a favorite dress, but since I only wear sneakers, that would look stupid. She agreed.

Next, I dusted off my leather fanny pack on the dirty sheets, which became MUCH dirtier. Was Obama in office the last time I wore it? 

The kicker was the enormous Big-Dog-Sized bowl of water I put out for Spooky this morning. She looked at me like, "What's going on, Mom"? 

Tomorrow I will switch out her food dish for an equally large receptacle. That will be the last sign that she's about to be left alone for a few days.

Hopefully, she will do well without me. I know she will miss me. Even though I haven't left yet, I'm already looking forward to seeing her upon my return.

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