Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Second Edition Coming!

 If you've read Liberty's Scrapbook, you may have found a few errors. Well, I think I found them all. (I shouldn't say that out loud . . . there may be more!) 

I just uploaded the new and improved manuscript today in Amazon. It may take a few days before the latest version is available for purchase.

The cover art remains the same as before. However, I had hoped to update the back cover to include the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amazon reviews.  Although I tried my hand at creating my own cover, that turned into a fiasco. That forced my decision to leave it "as is". 

Question: How can readers tell if they have the latest edition?


  • There are fewer errors (Whew!)
  • Chapter 10 is now "Back To Louisiana" (instead of "LA")
  • Page 82 states it's the second edition
  • All of my social media sites can be found by entering AuthorBarbaraCrowley.
    • All = my website and blog, Facebook and Twitter. 

The LibertyPolydactyl Facebook page was taken down last week. As for anyone searching for Liberty Hand's Twitter page @LibertyScrapbk, it's only a matter of time before that gets shut down as well. 

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