Saturday, July 30, 2022

Free Profile on Polydactyl Cats

If anyone would like to receive a seven-page profile about polydactyl cats, feel free to contact me with your email address. 

Polydactyl / Hemingway cats were my research project for the week. (Okay, so I borrowed it from a few websites). 

All the original websites, photos, and authors were referenced according to Hoyle (whomever that was). 

This sounds like a promotion:

                    I did the research . . .

. . . so you don't have to!

Friday, July 29, 2022

Water Spurts


I was at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee earlier this month as part of a bus tour. 

Spooky would have been intrigued to see the koi ponds, but the fountains would have freaked her out. There were TONS of fountains throughout the hotel and conference center. Like Liberty, she was glad to have missed the experience.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Five Reviews on Amazon

Amazon review by Cindy Brookshire                               Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2022

5.0 out of 5 stars ««««« Followed this cat's family from Hackensack to Ponchatoula - worth the journey!

I enjoyed reading this "travel" book by a local author near Raleigh - a polydactyl cat's many adventures with her humans from up north to throughout the deep south! Everything makes so much more sense, seen through the eyes of Liberty.


Amazon review by Karen A. Lauritzen                             Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2022

4.0 out of 5 stars «««« Great book for middle school kids

 Barbara Crowley does an admirable job of writing a book from her cat's point of view. The accompanying photographs will peak a young reader's interest.

This also might be a book to give someone interested in owning a first pet.


Amazon review by gdcjr                                                 Reviewed in the United States on April 11, 2022

4.0 out of 5 stars «««« Nice story from the cats viewpoint

Verified Purchase

Although I am not a cat person, this story captured my attention and was an entertaining way to share the author's experiences. Life's challenges from the cat and his human and animal family.


Amazon review by Amazon Customer                                      Reviewed in the United States on April 18, 2022

 5.0 out of 5 stars ««««« A delightful story about a cat’s adventures!

Loved the story. Well done! Would buy for my Grandkids for sure.


Amazon review by Annette Sauls                                   Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2022

4.0 out of 5 stars «««« Such a cute book

This is a very sweet book written from a cat's point of view. Moving to many homes and having lots of animal friends added to the adventure. Worth the read.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Freebies Available

 If you provide me with your email address, I will be happy to send you a Fact Sheet about common and unusual cat breeds. 

So far, I have compiled (from various named sources) information about Manx cats and Maine coon cats. Please be patient if the breed you are interested in is not available yet. I will continue to add to the selections. Just specify which breed you'd like to learn more about. 

Of course, you can do the same research yourself, but why would you?


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Back Home

I spent two full days in Nashville with a bus group. We stayed at the luxurious Gaylord Opryland Hotel. It was so beautiful that I (almost) hated to go sightseeing!

Of course, among the country songs we heard was Nashville Cats.

I wanted to share a few photos from my trip, but I'm typing this from the wrong computer. This picture of Spooky shows how well she blends in with the furniture.  She is so happy to have me back in Benson! She was meowing her little heart out when I got in late Thursday night.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Spooky's Suspicous

For the last two days, I've been preparing for a brief vacation. Spooky has taken to waiting for me on my bed to watch the goings-on. 

First, she helped me judge my underwear choices: which panties were OK versus those that were stretched beyond belief. I compared various shorts and t-shirt combinations (she did not offer an opinion).  I considered bringing a favorite dress, but since I only wear sneakers, that would look stupid. She agreed.

Next, I dusted off my leather fanny pack on the dirty sheets, which became MUCH dirtier. Was Obama in office the last time I wore it? 

The kicker was the enormous Big-Dog-Sized bowl of water I put out for Spooky this morning. She looked at me like, "What's going on, Mom"? 

Tomorrow I will switch out her food dish for an equally large receptacle. That will be the last sign that she's about to be left alone for a few days.

Hopefully, she will do well without me. I know she will miss me. Even though I haven't left yet, I'm already looking forward to seeing her upon my return.

Friday, July 8, 2022

About that last post

 I was so excited to be finishing the edits to Liberty's Scrapbook. However, I forgot to read a clause on Amazon that prohibits changes while a book is in a special marketing program. The end of the program gets extended automatically if you leave a box unchecked. (Or is it the other way around?)  Anyway, the date the promotion ends is July 29th.

Although the author's marketing screen said the new version of the eBook was updated, it still reflects the posting date of January 30th. That leads me to believe that any updates won't appear until I resubmit the revisions in early August.


On a happier note, 😀 the writer's group I belong to has officially changed its name from Johnston County Writers Group to Triangle East Writers.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Second Edition Coming!

 If you've read Liberty's Scrapbook, you may have found a few errors. Well, I think I found them all. (I shouldn't say that out loud . . . there may be more!) 

I just uploaded the new and improved manuscript today in Amazon. It may take a few days before the latest version is available for purchase.

The cover art remains the same as before. However, I had hoped to update the back cover to include the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amazon reviews.  Although I tried my hand at creating my own cover, that turned into a fiasco. That forced my decision to leave it "as is". 

Question: How can readers tell if they have the latest edition?


  • There are fewer errors (Whew!)
  • Chapter 10 is now "Back To Louisiana" (instead of "LA")
  • Page 82 states it's the second edition
  • All of my social media sites can be found by entering AuthorBarbaraCrowley.
    • All = my website and blog, Facebook and Twitter. 

The LibertyPolydactyl Facebook page was taken down last week. As for anyone searching for Liberty Hand's Twitter page @LibertyScrapbk, it's only a matter of time before that gets shut down as well. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

April Display on the 4th of July

 Happy 4th of July

In April, I set up this display in the Public Library of Johnston County and Smithfield to promote my book. 

If you can believe it, I used to own about three times as many knick-knacks as seen here. Packing and moving the ceramic and wooden cat tchotchkes from state to state became tiresome. I brought the bulk of the dust catchers to a consignment shop right before I left Louisiana in 2011. 


Hope your Fourth was Happy! 

Stay safe!