Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Write On!

Today was the inaugural meeting of my weekly class, Write On! at the Benson Center for Active Aging. The four women and I had a great time discussing a wide variety of topics. Some differences were raised between a country mouse and a city mouse; which sparked further discussions. We discussed our origin stories: where we were raised, our religions, and our favorite foods associated with a special time in our lives. All of this was food for thought: fodder for how we can write about anything.

In fact, that was this week's class assignment. 

  • Write about a food that connects you to a special memory in your life.  

I brought copies of my two novels, Merilee's Journey and Liberty's Scrapbook. Without any attempt at marketing, four copies of the latter were sold. (Thank you all!)

The public is welcome to attend each Tuesday from 1 to 3PM. If you have something to read, please bring it to the class. Expect a ten-minute writing prompt, reading what we wrote, and free-wheeling conversations and writing tips.

How do you write? Are you a plotter or a pantser? Do you know the difference?

A plotter uses outlines to plan what they write. A pantser writes by the "seat of their pants." Whichever way works for you...just go for it!

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