Friday, May 26, 2023

Identity Theft

It happened again...someone tried to order electronics in my name.

This happened in 2010, when I was living in Texas. My shady roommate went to Best Buy and was allowed to order a laptop when he applied for a store credit card in my name. Luckily for me, my credit card company called me because they flagged the expense. I evicted the thief immediately. 

There were additional repercussions from this event: my anxiety level went through the roof, affecting my temp job performance, so I was terminated. 

Yesterday's news was a kind of refresher, and not in a good way. It began when a Spectrum rep called me and claimed to have just spoken to me (which she hadn't). The woman went on to say "The cell phone you ordered. . ." 

I stressed that she had not been speaking to me. . . I don't want mobile service with Spectrum. . . The only thing I expected to receive from her company was a new modem, per my discussion with a male Spectrum rep two days before.

At 5:30 PM, I received email confirmation that this phone was on its way.

As soon as I received Spectrum's email, I emailed them back,  but that didn't leave me feeling warm and fuzzy. I called Spectrum to nip this matter in the bud (or is it butt?).

At first, I thought the cable company had screwed up. Towards the end of our phone call, it dawned on me that maybe Spectrum was not to blame. I wondered to myself, "Who would steal my identity?" 

The first solid candidate was Miss ___, a former roommate whom I evicted from my North Carolina home a few years ago. Then I considered some neighbors who have my business card. That card names every means of reaching me, listing everything but my SSN, blood type, and next of kin.

I may never know who to blame for this incident, but perhaps it's my fault for being so open, Luckily, Spectrum cancelled the order before they shipped the phone.

Lesson learned? Not really. I am naive, too trusting, yada-yada. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I do get bitten on the butt, but I wouldn't want to be any other way.

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