I like doing jigsaw puzzles. Sadly, I have no surface area large enough, high enough, or far away enough from Spooky to access.
My hospital table folds up down and sideways, but the surface area was far too small. So I duct taped a scrap piece of baseboard to it. (No picture; sorry). On Saturday, it was resting on a folding stool and a coffee table. Still not large enough.
On Sunday, I went to Ollie's ("Good stuff cheap!") to buy a whiteboard or bulletin board. They didn't have anything near the size I needed. As I was headed to the checkout for other things, I noticed an empty end cap for Herr's Jalapeno Poppers. (I know - the N needs a tilde over it). The staff let me take the HUGE cardboard base home. How huge is it? 40" x 48".
Note the side end is almost cat-proofed. Spooky landed on it twice until I scared the you-know-what out of her. There are now two folding chairs boosting the table.
The position of the cat tree is near Spooky's food table. She doesn't like to jump, almost as much as I don't like to bend. Spooky has trouble getting her belly off the ground. Yes, she's on a diet. She meows constantly until she gets a second or third helping. She's onto my skimpy extra servings. We're going to the vet tomorrow to get her flea medication. I can't wait to see if reducing her intake has made her slimmer.
The picture below shows the ersatz puzzle table had another boost from Spooky's cat tree, plus a thick coffee table book ("Hamilton," which I have yet to read).

I'm about 3/4 of the way finished putting the puzzle together. A few puzzle pieces have fallen out of the box.
Yuck; I have to get a flashlight to look under furniture. This is when living alone sucks. There was a time (over ten years ago) when I could hand a nasty task over to a roommate.
Spooky . . . have I got a job for you!