Wednesday, March 15, 2023

A Busy Time

I've had my nose to the grindstone this week. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I had an appointment with a different doctor. I gardened yesterday (despite the c-c-cold), which left me too little time to write. Between yesterday and today, I wrote similar stories about my mother's origin in North Carolina in response to two different writing contests. One contest opened today; right as the other one closed.  I tried submitting the latter three times.

Why, you might ask? I kept messing up the email address for the Franklin County Arts Council. The first time, I added an extra C to the name. The second time, I deleted a needed letter. 

At least with my third attempted email, I did not receive the dreaded "Email address not found" message. So, I know that PayPal processed my entry fee. I'm hoping the judges like how I described coming full circle to North Carolina by following in my mother's footsteps.


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