I'm currently working on my next book tentatively entitled Unrealistic Expectations.
Each chapter begins with I wish that ... names a disappointment in my life from having U/E (sounds like an ad for ED, doesn't it)? After discussing a problem I experienced, the narrative changes to In Reality (lesson learned), followed by The Bottom Line.
Believe it or not, I'm considering adding a chapter on flatulence. There were three or four instances where I experienced long-lasting, silent-but-deadly episodes. While I feel badly for the victims affected by my flatulence, I'm hoping my embarrassment can be amusing. How should I title the chapter about these lengthy foul emissions?
The farting chapter is about the Unrealistic Expectations of other people -
Should I start with Others wished that... and end with ...
... they could breathe fresh air?
... they didn't know it was me?
... or something similar....
- OR -
Should I change the naming convention for that unique chapter entirely and call it:
- Everybody Farts
- Fart Fests
- A Breath of Fresh Air
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