Currently, I'm preparing to visit my son in New Jersey in the coming days.
I am hoping against hope that this time the flight he arranged will come to fruition. I tried to visit him twice before: my first flight was a NO-GO due to a storm pending in the Garden State. The second flight was canceled due to COVID. So, please cross your fingers and toes with me so that I'll get there this time. (I'm not religious, but still superstitious).
My son is turning forty-five years old. I can't believe how old that makes me feel!
What should I bring him to commemorate such an occasion? As clueless as ever, I went shopping online today, exploring Amazon and Etsy. While I did end up getting him something, I'm not sure the gift will reach his address in time.
One item that interested me was a humorous long-sleeved t-shirt. By the time shipping charges were added, the two vendors whose prices were acceptable could not meet my delivery requirements.
Yes, yes. I realize that I waited until the eleventh hour, but I'm picky, okay? Hopefully, I can come up with a suitable verse, in lieu of a customized garment.
The worst thing about the number 45 is the very negative connotation of a former president. Believe me, we can do without DJT reminders.