Thursday, August 25, 2022

Liberty was a New Jersey cat


Liberty was a New Jersey cat . . .

Take a good luck at his THUMBS! He had nine claws on one front paw and eleven on the other.

Some people refer to this type of cat as a HEMINGWAY (the cats are famous in Key West, where the writer lived). The real name is polydactyl. Is there a Polly-Dac-Till in the house?

Any way you looked at him, you know he was SPECIAL.

. . . with a winning personality

Liberty became the alpha cat to two other felines, Bubba and Callie.

There were four birds in the New Jersey condo where they lived. The birds thought they were safe in their cages. Dumb birds!

Liberty didn’t look for trouble. It just had a way of finding him. Repeatedly.

He liked to play with shower curtains, chair rungs, clothes washers, plastic bags, floppy handles . . . you name it!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Party Planning

Why I do the things I do often confounds me. Take, for example, the date I chose for my book relaunch: Tuesday, September 13th at 6 PM. I had forgotten that it's the same day and time as a literacy fundraiser, Zaxby's Night in Smithfield (from 5 PM to 8 PM). Oops. 

Actually, I had hoped to do it the day before, but Sisters II Ice Cream is closed on Mondays. I suppose I could change the date, but I can only think of two people from the literacy office I might miss. Where does that leave a public that's torn between two venues? (As if...)

They might be able to do both. Say, a person can support LITERACY by showing up to Smithfield's Zaxby's at 5 PM, eat dinner and stay for a while. After that, they can then head south to the Benson book relaunch for dessert from 6 to 8 PM. 


Both missions will have been accomplished!😺

Thursday, August 11, 2022


Raise the flag! 🚩

After ten days of self-isolation, 🚩

I beat COVID! 🚩

So happy to be well at long last! 🚩

Saturday, August 6, 2022

COVID Thoughts

 Perfect excuses for inaction:

  • Since I'm stuck at home, who cares if I skip a shower or two?
    • The answer is ME.
    • By day number two, I can't stand myself!

  • Go outside? No, I don't want to spread COVID outdoors. 
    • Besides, this heat is unreal! 
      • (Okay, that's two excuses for being lazy.)
        • Let the weeds grow! 

  • The world's shut-ins are helping the planet by not going anywhere. 
    • Think of all the fossil fuels we're saving!

  • This is a test to see how unruly my hair will become. 
    • It may hurt the eyes that witness my new rat's nest coiffure.

  • How many deliveries can I order in a single week?
    • Still finding out.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Four Freebies for Cat Lovers

For lovers of the feline species, I have now compiled the following fact sheets* for anyone interested. All can be had in exchange for your email address. I need to build a following for this writing career endeavor. I promise not to bombard you with a bunch of spam.

So far, it's going at a c-r-a-w-l. But YOU can change that! 
Email me at

If you would like to see a different breed of cat profiled, just ask. I will add it to my To Do List.

As of today, 8/4/22, you can choose one of these profiles:
        • Sphynx cats
        • Manx cats
        • Maine Coon cats
        • Polydactyl cats

* Each fact sheet is cherry-picked and compiled from multiple public sources readily available on the Internet. The snippets used may not tell the complete story of a breed or contain as many photographs. However, the original writers and websites are cited so readers can get a fuller understanding by going to the original sources.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Revision 2 is with my editor

This week, I had planned to release the second revision of Liberty's Scrapbook. Unfortunately, despite repeated edits, the captions keep ending up in the wrong places. The cover art no longer fits Amazon's parameters, even though they had the same cover for months. 

The revised manuscript is now in the hands of its original editor. If she can't fix it...

No  -- I can't think that way.

With any luck, I'll have the latest version uploaded SOON. Then, SOON AFTER THAT, I'll have ordered enough new copies so I can throw a BOOK LAUNCH PARTY.

I already have a venue in mind; the free gifts are wrapped and ready to go. 

I don't know about you, but I'm excited! 😸

Everything Died

Everything Died

This is the week when everything died.

My smoke alarm battery and its two “fresh” replacements.

The car’s key fob battery, which means I can’t drive.

(For now, that’s okay; I am in quarantine).

Then, today, my house phone stopped working!

This is so weird! It strengthens the adage that

“Deaths come in threes.”

Oh! You didn't think I was talking about people, did you?😏