Friday, September 27, 2024

Today's Tune is 'SOUR GRAPES'

We're getting an inordinate amount of rain. The ground is saturated. Time to get the hip boots out. ☔ 

I'll attempt to update a few videos of you-know-who. The rain hasn't dampened her spirits at all (chief benefit of being an indoor feline). My efforts at Tulip-proofing haven't been overly successful.

Today's gripe is that my laptop is acting wonky today. Especially Chrome. Something changed...I can use emails from my phone, but not from my laptop. Weird!


==>    I was trying to attach a video, but it was too big to attach. 

==>    Guess I have to take a REELS class. 

Better luck next time?

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Get out the vote!

You may see me at an early voting precinct in Johnston County starting next month. I just finished my online training as an indoor poll observer.  On most days, I'll work the afternoon shift. 


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Bottle Babies

Do you remember toddler shaming? If you sucked your thumbs beyond toddlerhood, you were called a baby. Little kids risked being called a baby if they still drank milk, water or juice from a bottle or sippy cup. Does either situation strike a chord? 

When I was a baby in the early 1950s, my parents were eager to wean me off the bottle. Our next door neighbors couldn’t seem to separate their youngest child from her sippy cup.


Ask yourself: Am I a water bottle reuser or a water bottle waster?

Those days of yore have seen a 180° reversal. A lot of households buy their water by the case. It’s one cause of plastic waste that’s done irreparable harm to the oceans and wildlife.

I will, on occasion, purchase a single bottle of water, but I reuse it many times over. Then I toss it in the recycling bin.

Whatever happened to drinking tap water by the – gasp! – glass? Unless your city water is known to be contaminated, I implore you to use tap water at home. Before you leave the house, fill a reusable bottle with your tap- or flavored-water.

There’s no need to buy an expensive name brand reusable bottle. Simple, low-cost bottles are available just about everywhere; just be sure it’s BPA-free. This is how we can help preserve our environment and save money while doing it. 

Think about how you drink. Wean yourself away from the habit of buying water by the case. Drink like an environmentally conscious adult. No one will shame you for it.