Friday, July 26, 2024

The Further Adventures with Tulip

Tulip keeps discovering new ways to entertain herself. We now fight for a place at the bathroom sink. Sometimes she fills up the whole sink with her body, looks at me encouragingly to turn the tap on. Whether I'm washing my hands or brushing my teeth, she always joins me. She doesn't seem to mind the fact that she gets wet. 

There's a wooden lateral file cabinet in the living room where Tulip's food and water bowls sit. A few months ago, Tulip started standing in her water bowl. Naturally, the dirt on her feet would fall to the bottom. Is that why she's so determined? She starts slapping the water, just like a toddler splashes water in a bathtub. Next, she daintily shakes off her wet paws, then leans over the front of the wooden filing cabinet to lap up the water that spilled down the front of the furniture and onto the floor.

There's a table nearby, just a short hop away where Tulip can look out the window for any bird action. Luckily, the table is topped by glass. There are so many puddy-paws-tracks added to her perch.


Then there are times I can't find her. Tulip rarely visits the western side of the house, where my office, spare bedroom and bathroom are. Maybe I should say I don't use those rooms very often. When I vacuumed last week, I discovered all the toilet paper had found its way onto the floor. Rather than put a new roll out as a replacement, I set a fresh roll on top of the toilet, but wrapped it within two hand towels. That was a few days ago. I need to see if my "fix" was successful.

So, there are times when the cat's nowhere to be found. She always has access to the kitchen and living room, but she doesn't respond to my calls. The main bathroom and bedroom doors are usually closed. Where could Tulip be? I discovered her new haunt: she crawls under the back of the living room's double recliner. If I didn't see her head poke out one day, it would still remain her little secret.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Sittin' in Selma and Smithfield - Any Questions?

Thursday has been especially busy. I went to the Write-In held at the Old North Food Hall in Selma until it was time to head to the Harrison Center for Aging. Left at 3:00, headed for the Old Fashioned Ice Cream shop. Yummy!

Now I'm sitting at a desk in Smithfield's Library. Found a typo in the portion of my book that I forwarded to my critique group. I fixed it first and copied two chapters for their review.

Still have to find an agent for Merilee's Travels. I admit I've done no searching yet.

I'm asking for ideas for the book title I'm writing now. It's science fiction called Alien Ghost Hunter. That describes it, but it sounds more like a subtitle.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Camp NaNoWriMo

This July writers across the country are participating in a month-long write-in. We had one last November but I had a major car accident on 11/3. I was released from rehab the Monday after Thanksgiving. I had rehab at home for a number of weeks, then had outpatient therapy. 

Believe it or not, I'm still in recovery; the trauma to my right breast has yet to disappear. My boob should be aglow from all the mammograms and sonograms I've been getting! 

As a kid, I was well-known for my dimples. Now my thighs have dimples (due to age and/or fat) and the affected breast is dimpled. Not cute. 


Every day it seems Tulip finds something else to send crashing to the floor. It's usually some piece of the "Wall" I erect on the stovetop to discourage Tulip's constant explorations. Today the heavy wooden block of kitchen knives made Tulip's meddling known. 

Recently, my cat's been enamoured by water. She stands IN her water bowl. Tulip accompanies me to the bathroom to jump on the sink when the tap water flows. Or she will walk half-way into the shower with me to lap up the soapy water. 

Whenever I flush the toilet, Tulip runs to the bowl. I have to be quick in closing the lid before she can sample the swirling water.