Friday, April 26, 2024


 Talk about a wasted day...

Would you recognize depression if you saw it?

Is it something you could write about - or maybe draw it?

Folks often tell me to “snap out of it” or “don’t have a fit”

but it takes more than THAT to overcome this shit.

Friday morning’s hesitation to arise; 

My bed is ideal for relaxation.

Nearly noon; I’ve come to the realization

that I missed taking Thursday's medication.

Depression raging, my observation’s

that even one day without psych medication

depriving myself of a day’s allocation 

has now become my pre-occupation.

Instead of weeding my yard’s vegetation,

I focus on every indication 

that I, in pure desperation,

have reached a new low: stagnation.

Where is my former dedication 

to work out of doors? Edification 

to strive for my planned migration 

from indoors to a garden location.

The frequent recurring indication -

that nothing serves as inspiration -

when I get this way. Such frustration 

to waste a whole day in self-recrimination

Despite the clear day - no precipitation -

becomes a true revelation. Where digging in dirt 

was once met with wild anticipation -

it’s now Null and Void; a cancellation.

So what will I do for recreation? 

It would not be a wild accusation 

to call me lazy. Verification 

is easy to admit; a confirmation.

Now half-past three, my affirmation 

Is: Today resembles a stay-cation; 

by going nowhere plus de-celeration

I've reached Couch Potato Station

It all comes down to my avocation 

(or hobby) of writing; a transformation 

from this sloth-like permutation 

to a dedicated occupation.

When depression yields self-recrimination, 

it's hard to find the determination 

to move past this ennui situation

and seek much-needed motivation.

Until I reach the point of illumination -

that I wasted a whole day - reaps indignation

Informs me through this notification

that TIME, once lost, equals NEGATION.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Liberty Merchandise

Liberty’s Scrapbook Prices

Liberty’s Scrapbook

Second edition


White Ceramic Mug

Limited edition, while supplies last


Cat Flip Keychain

6 designs, while supplies last

$ 2.

Cat Notepads

15 pages each

8 designs, while supplies last

2 for $1.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

More Tulip Tales

My kitten is talkative, especially on mornings when I sleep late. She tries to wake me up to feed her Meow.

Tulip keeps jumping on counters; e.g., walking amongst two rows of my medicine and supplements. I have to consider how to cat-proof that space.

Yesterday I found a black plastic suction cup below the fridge. I have no idea where Tulip found it or what it went to. In any case, I 86'd it.

Tulip's front paws still bear the strings from her declawing. I tried to cut them off, but she wasn't happy about it. Yes, she told me so.


(poor little girl)