After I had a bad fall in the house (September-ish), I decided to order one of those "I've fallen and I can't get up" necklaces. The company I chose was Medical Guardian.
A few days ago, I couldn't find the charger. I looked EVERYWHERE! Did my cat Tulip knock it off a table? Had she eaten the cord? All the furniture was checked thoroughly from top to bottom. Bins in the living room were emptied. Zip. Nada.
I was just about ready to order a new charger when I decided to investigate the bathroom étagère. Again.
Well, hush my mouth! Where there should have been one power cord (for an electric scrubber), I discovered two. Apparently, I had charged it ONE TIME in the bathroom, which I obviously and promptly forgot. Why I left the charger in the bathroom, I'll never know.
I had been going CRAZY for a number of days until my last-ditch find last night. At least I don't need to make an appointment with my shrink. My diagnosis = senioritis. Undoubtedly, future occurrences will happen periodically.
I am not crazy; I'm just old.