On November 3rd, I caused a major car accident in Micro. I didn't see a blinking red light or the car that had the right of way.
My car got totaled, I broke my neck (C-2) and suffered a hairline fracture to my left ankle. Also cracked my L-1 rib. I'm hoping the other party fared much better.
At first, I asked to be taken by ambulance to UNC Johnston Hospital. They took x-rays and did blood work, but they aren't equipped to handle trauma cases.
From there, I was brought by ambulance #2 to WakeMed in North Raleigh. Had to wait another day and a half to undergo two surgeries (by two different orthopedists) to repair the damage. (The place was busy 24/7). I had three vertebrae fused (C1, C2, C3) with four screws. My ankle was patched up with two screws and two stitches. I've been lugging around a large boot ever since (it weighs 2.6 pounds).
I was transferred via ambulance #3 to Liberty Commons Nursing & Rehabilitation Center on November 8th at 8 PM. Two days later, I was moved to the same room my Aunt Martha occupied just the day before.
Liberty Commons provided transportation to one orthopedist on the 21st. At least that time I was sitting in a wheelchair!
Sadly, Aunt Martha passed; my niece and her husband brought me to her wake in Selma. Then we had dinner at Denny's and visited Spooky before returning to Room 801.
Thanksgiving 2023 fell on my 70th birthday. My Scrabble friends and I went to a Chinese buffet in Dunn for dinner. The only fixings that were missing were stuffing and cranberry sauce. Then, it was back to Liberty Commons for me.
Finally, I was released on Saturday, the 25th. I've been getting physical therapy at home twice a week ever since.
So, that's my November in a nutshell.
I want to thank all of my visitors, Spooky feeders, yard helpers, family and friends who came to call and wish me well. You're the best!