Saturday, September 23, 2023

Wet Mule Days

Benson began this year's Annual Mule Days celebration on Thursday, September 21st. Since Friday, this area has been deluged by apocalyptic rains. The National Weather Service has been issuing flash flood warnings since then. The temps have cooled so much that I don't need to put on the air conditioning. In fact, as I write this, my space heater is warming up the office.

How are the vendors, the rodeo animals, and the carnies are going to fare, when it's all said and done? Will some participants await rescue from their submerged cars? Will the mules, bulls and horses become mired in the mud? Will the town take a loss from this week's soggy activities and turnout? 

Now would be a good time to insert the phrase "drowning in debt." 

Just imagine the (human and critter) rodeo participants being totally drenched. Same for the golf tournament players. Might these events get postponed?  

Nope. This is a four-day "rain or shine" event. More power to the hale and hardy crowds!

Photo credit: the Town of Benson.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

I'll pay for that eventually

Procrastination comes with a cost.

Not in the monetary sense...

I had a severe case of ennui since someone stood me up on Saturday.

Didn't do anything until yesterday.

Finally emptied and replaced the cat litter (more than the daily refreshing). Also vacuumed the house, which was overdue.

More than 220 Spam messages to glean.

About 30 messages in my IN box.

Caught up reading political cartoons from Daily Kos (identified as SPAM).

Had to make appointments for Thursday and Friday evenings. 😣

I still need to weed-whack the front and south sides of the yard.

Will continue to attend my Scrabble group on Wednesdays.👱

I'm almost overwhelmed by appointments in the next few weeks...and I lost my 2022-2023 calendar. I'm lost without it. Purchased a larger student planner for 2023-2024 today. Unfortunately, it's in a weekly format. Dollar Tree didn't have the monthly pocket calendar.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day Thoughts

It's September already, as hard to believe as it is. And I haven't done a darned thing to celebrate Labor Day.

In previous (married) years, my family would go to cookouts or attempt to reach the Jersey shore. We'd play miniature golf (yet another sport I suck at).

As a kid, I remember watching the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon over Labor Day weekend. I enjoyed seeing snippets of the era's Broadway shows. Less successful (boring) were the tug-at-heartstrings of everyday MS/MD sufferers. And Julius La Rosa (a 1950s has-been) would tally the pledges in the greater New York area versus the whole telethon's total. 

I don't remember ever donating, but the heart-tugging was effective. Well, I was a kid.