Thursday, June 30, 2022

June Event at Benson Library

 I've made it my mission to contact local libraries to host several writers to speak. The first such event happened at the Mary Duncan Library in Benson on June 7th. 

Three writers were to come out, but a family death prevented Gary Ridout from attending. Evelyn Wool accompanied me as a scheduled speaker. We sat behind a table sporting a pressed linen tablecloth and tent cards identifying us. Derrick Barefoot, the Library Director, had set up six rows of seats facing our table in the Children's Room. He also designed a publicity flyer for us and provided us with cold water. Neat!

Evelyn and I swapped writing anecdotes while we waited for the public to arrive. A steady stream of library patrons came and went. No one stopped to hear what we had to say. However, that did not deter us from regaling Derrick and a few Town of Benson employees with some of our stories.

We made plans for the future. Evelyn hopes to read her two books to Benson children after the summer reading program is done. I vow to try again in the fall to set up speaker events on Thursdays and/or Saturdays. Dunn Library prefers that we come on Saturdays.

What we learned: 

  • Writers should advertise the event about a month in advance on social media
  • Whomever hosts our speakers should promote the event a month prior
  • Post weekly to remind everyone about the event
  • Ask writer's groups to help advertise the event 
  • Ask friends and fellow writers to attend the event
  • Distribute flyers to people as you "talk up" the event 
  • To go the extra mile, have a local radio station (WPYB) announce the event.

That's all for now!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

My current cat


Blogging is new to me; I sure hope I don't mess it up. Thanks to Victor Rook, who set up this blog and my website,

This morning, I spent about a half hour petting my senior cat, Spooky, who was sitting on my lap. I use a mitt designed to catch fur as you stroke your pet. It didn't help today. Spooky's fur normally flies, but it was amplified tenfold by the spinning ceiling fan. Mini-tornadoes of hair puffs took flight! (You'd think by now that I'd have learned to shut the fan off BEFORE I start petting her). 


Spooky came to me when she was five years old. Her previous owner told me that she is easily frightened (it's true) and that she does not get along with other cats or dogs. I am going to trust that last statement. My home was ideal for Spooky. One human + one cat = harmony.


I have "senioritis."  I am getting just like a grandmother who can't remember which of her grandchildren she is talking to, so she names them all. I blamed "senioritis" when I caught myself mistyping Scoot's name in the last paragraph. There's a reason for my confusion.

Before Spooky (who already knew her name), I had adopted Sweetie from a local no-kill shelter. This was a male cat with a girl's name. I named him that way because of his loving personality. Prior to Sweetie, I had Scoot. If you read Liberty's Scrapbook, (even if you haven't yet), she's another cat who earned her name (three guesses why). It was never my intention to name my last three cats with an "S"; Spooky will just have to forgive me whenever I call her SweetieScootSpooky


Until next time,


Sunday, June 26, 2022

New Book "Liberty's Scrapbook"

You can now order my book via Amazon or directly from me. Here's how:

Humans assumed that an ordinary stray cat was yowling his heart out as he strode atop the privacy fence. However, this was a most unusual feline. Liberty had an outsized personality to go along his unusual multiple thumbs. Follow the irreverent polydactyl as Liberty relates the story of his life with remarkable wit. His adventures take him and his many “siblings” through multiple moves across state lines. This sassy, well-traveled stray is sure to win your heart for keeps.

Order on

To order an autographed copy of Liberty’s Scrapbook, please send $10 to the author at:

Liberty Books
308 N Wall St Lot 20
Benson, NC 27504

Be sure to include who to address the inscription to, plus your name and complete street address. I cannot ship to PO Boxes.